Project Details
November 25th, 2017
2001 Ford Focus
Ford Focus Repair – Back on the Road
This repair was part of our Back On the Road 2017 program where we selected several local veterans to provide automotive services at no charge.
This nominee is a father of 5 depending on their car being reliable for work and to get the kids to all their appointments including needed doctor’s visits in Baltimore City. Unfortunately, the car was coming apart at the seams. As can happen, unresolved issues caused problems with other parts of the car. A bad control arm causing the rear tire to rub on the subframe. A coolant issue damaged the water pump and hoses causing coolant leaks to worsen.
The car was so needed that being without it for an extended period of time was not possible, so after our initial inspection we were able to ensure we had the necessary parts on hand and completed all repairs on a single Saturday.
After performing our Comprehensive Inspection on the 2002 Ford Focus, we found:
- Very bad coolant leak coming from several different place
- Wiper blades need replacing
- Air filter was dirty
- Passenger rear tire leaning in far enough to contact top of subframe
- Front brake pads are metal-to-metal and installed incorrectly
- Passenger front wheel is missing a stud and lugnut
- Check Engine light is on
- Valve cover gasket is leaking
We provided the nominee with 3 gallons of antifreeze to prevent further damage while parts were ordered. We reserved a full day on a weekend to minimize the time without a vehicle and here’s the work that as done:
- Replace thermostat and housing with gasket
- Remove & replace front brakes and rotors
- Clean & lubricate caliper slider, Inspect brake caliper operation & condition, Inspect brake hoses, fill brake fluid
- Remove & replace water pump
- Remove & replace radiator hoses
- Replace serpentine belt
- Replace wiper blades and adjust arms so blades do not contact cowl
- Replace passenger front wheel stud and all four lugnuts
- Replace heater hoses from radiator to thermostat housing and from housing to firewall
- Replace passenger rear upper control arm with adjustable arm
- Replace air filter
We were very happy to get the underlying causes of all the issues corrected and get this car back on the road!