
Proud to call South Carroll home


Veterans Day 2020

Back on the Road 2020 Time for our fourth annual Back on the Road! C&A is once again selecting two veterans living in the Eldersburg/Sykesville area who could use a little extra help getting or keeping their vehicle going. Whether its for travel to work, finding work or transporting

Century High Drama

C&A is a proud sponsor of Century High School Opening Knights Drama Club's fall production of Quarantine Cabaret which will be live streamed to share a walk through the past year of experiences from our local high schoolers. This fall the Century Drama Opening Knights will produce a show like never

Freedom District Lions Club 19th Annual Golf Tournament

The Freedom District Lions Club 19th annual golf tournament was held on Friday, August 28th, 2020 at the Oakmont Green Golf Course in Hampstead. We were proud to sponsor a hole. Six Lions Clubs from Region IV/Zone 3 participated including Deer Park, Freedom District, Greater Carroll, Roaring Run, South Carroll and

Toys for Tots

Update: Thank you for filling the box this year! How can you help a less fortunate child get a present this holiday season? Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is an amazing organization and C&A is a toy drop-off location this year. Learn more at MISSION: The basic

Veterans Day 2019

Updated with this year's awardees. Back on the Road 2019 Time for our third annual Back on the Road! Last year, over 35 nominations were submitted for South Carroll veterans who continue to serve our local community in many amazing ways. We're excited to do it again