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So far Dave has created 73 blog entries.

Freedom District Lions Club 19th Annual Golf Tournament

2020-11-04T14:15:19-05:00August 28th, 2020|Community, News|

The Freedom District Lions Club 19th annual golf tournament was held on Friday, August 28th, 2020 at the Oakmont Green Golf Course in Hampstead. We were proud to sponsor a hole. Six Lions Clubs from Region IV/Zone 3 participated including Deer Park, Freedom District, Greater Carroll, Roaring Run, South Carroll and Taylorsville-Winfield. This year's tournament continued the tradition of being in honor of International Director Richard Liebno and the clubs sent $5,232 to the American Diabetes Foundation for research to find a cure for this dreaded disease. They also sent $5,232 to Lions Vision Research Foundation, a program which supports vision research for a variety of causes of blindness and low vision as well as $2,616 to the District 22W Hearing & Speech Action Program to aid those in need of assistance who are deaf or suffer from reduced hearing. For over 70 years, the members of the Freedom District Lions

Old Line Statesmen Barbershop Chorus

2022-01-02T14:59:59-05:00June 3rd, 2020|Community, News|

C&A is honored to sponsor the 2020 season of performances by the Old Line Statesmen Barbershop Chorus. The Old Line Statesmen is a growing, thriving, superior quality a cappella singing organization recognized as such by Carroll County and the surrounding communities. They provide audiences with entertaining performances that are diverse in content, yet rooted in the tradition of four-part barbershop harmony. Activities provide their audiences, members and prospective members with a source of enrichment, fun, and fellowship by incorporating the qualities of humor, showmanship, variety, community involvement, and audience participation. The OLS Chorus is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization supporting community singing and music education in schools. Performance Schedule

Announcing 24/7 On Call Mechanic

2020-04-23T21:20:40-04:00March 23rd, 2020|News|

Announcing 24/7 On Call Mechanic Effective today, C&A Automotive will have an automotive technician available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all essential personnel for onsite service through the Eldersburg/Sykesville area. If you or a family member work in an essential business such as healthcare, grocery, restaurant, delivery, transportation, childcare, manufacturing, communications, police, fire or military, we will come to your driveway, work parking lot or the side of the road. We service cars, trucks, vans, diesel - you name it. Have a quick question? Low tire pressure? Engine light? Call or text 443-300-7087 to reach our after-hours technician. Thank you for everything you do. We’ll get you where you need to be. For the fastest response, please use 410-795-1211 during business hours and 443-300-7087 after hours. (Automotive repair and maintenance facilities are deemed an essential service by the federal government, so we will remain open.)

Our Statement on COVID-19 – Free pickup/dropoff for Eldersburg & Sykesville residents

2020-04-23T21:20:52-04:00March 16th, 2020|News|

We are open and here to serve the needs of our community. Personal transportation is becoming more important right now with the modifications to mass transportation.  What we are doing to ensure the safety of our customers.  First every vehicle that shows up is being disinfected. Our process involves cleaning of the driver’s door inside and outside handles, steering wheel, gear shifter, drivers seat belt buckle, key and any other item that is required to be touched during service. After service, we are repeating this same process. Our office and wait room are being disinfected multiple times a day. For people who are choosing not to leave their home, we are offering to come pick up your vehicle. When we are done, we will bring it back to your house and disinfect before leaving. Our local shuttle service is available at no additional charge. If we can help in

Sons of the American Revolution award C&A flag certificate

2020-07-13T17:24:40-04:00February 7th, 2020|News|

Jim Engler along with Robert Sr., Joshua and Ryan Irwin of the Westminster Chapter of the Maryland Society of Sons of the American Revolution visited the shop recently to present C&A with a certificate recognizing exemplary patriotism in the display of the US flag. We are very honored and loved learning more about what their organization does for our great community. The Carroll County Times published a photo of the visit in their Neighborhood section. Learn more about their youth programs by following their page at https://www.facebook.com/WestminsterMDSSAR

Santa’s Garage 2019

2022-01-02T15:01:27-05:00December 10th, 2019|Community, News|

Need some help assembling gifts? Are you missing that one tool needed to finish? Just need some private space to get it done? Will an air wrench make it go faster? An extra person to hold something for 20 seconds? Our third annual Santa's Garage is Saturday, December 21st from 10am to 1pm. We're clearing the bays and opening the toolboxes! We'll have coffee, tools, Bing Crosby (recorded - not in person) and a couple of elves on hand to help you get it done! Free. Pop on by and use our garage to get your gifts put together for a magical Christmas morning. See Event Details